
The Coimbra Group is an association of 41 long-established European multidisciplinary universities of high international standard committed to creating special academic and cultural ties in order to promote, for the benefit of its members, internationalisation, academic collaboration, excellence in learning and research, and service to society.

Founded in 1985, the Coimbra Group was among the very first associations to develop fully-fledged Erasmus Programme activities, and has accumulated wide experience in exchanges of researchers, teachers and students. It is also the purpose of the Group to develop best practice through the mutual exchange of experience and to influence European education and research policy.

The role envisaged for the Coimbra Group Office in the E-NOTE project is related to the collection and dissemination of good practice and of project outcomes and to organising the final dissemination workshop in Brussels & to the facilitation of synergies among our members to stimulate input and reflection on best practices of higher education teaching.

Two of our Working Groups will be directly involved in the development of the project, specifically the Education Innovation Working Group and the Doctoral Studies Working Group. The Coimbra Group Office will seek the cooperation and expertise of these working groups to carry out the tasks under its responsibility in this project proposal.

In terms of communication, the Coimbra Group has built strong relationships with its members through different mailing lists and channels which ensure a high level of reactivity. We publish a monthly newsletter which is also open to the rest of the higher education community and we are present on social networks (Twitter, Linkedin). The Coimbra Group Office has extended experience in organising international events not only for projects, but also high level policy seminars, stakeholder meetings, etc. with capacity to mobilize beyond its own network.

Catarina Moleiro has been working as Policy and Communications Officer policy officer at the Coimbra Group Office since 2008. Within the Coimbra Group Office she assists the chairs of different working groups. She has experience in project management and dissemination.
Ivonne Mejia Alvarez is Office & Events Manager at the Coimbra Group since January 2021. She assists the director in the development of Coimbra Group projects and activities. She has extensive experience in international project management, events coordination, and administrative management.