About the Training

The European Network on Teaching Excellence invites applications from interested Academic Staff to participate in a five-day intensive training on teaching excellence. The Training is organised under the auspices of the Erasmus + Strategic Partnership project E-NOTE and will be hosted by the Leiden University in cooperation with the Universities of Charles, Coimbra and Copenhagen. The event will take place online between 10.01.2022 and 14.01.2022 and participants have the flexibility of choosing from the various program panels. The focus of the training will be on innovative and effective practices for training teaching excellence in higher education. The event is organised to benefit university management staff, higher education learning and development professionals and teaching staff. The objective of the event is to showcase good case studies of excellence training, including training curricula development and allow participants to gain hands-on experience through practical workshops. These will include demonstrations and simulations on how to develop excellent curricula.

Selection Criteria

Candidates will be selected based on their professional background and motivation to participate to the event to ensure a diverse group of participants. Participants who followed at least one complete day of training will receive an attendance certificate.

Deadline - 10.12.2021 - 24:00

The call to participate in the Teaching Excellence Training will end on the 10th of December, midnight (24:00). Candidates can expect a response with regards to their application within 14 days, by 24.12.2021.

Learning objectives

MONDAY | 10.01.2022

Defining European Teaching Excellence & Best Practices

The first day of training is structured around the shared goal of defining teaching excellence and elaborating best practices to set common standards in higher education.

TUESDAY | 11.01.2022

Teaching Excellence on the Bachelor Level

The second day touches upon three im-portant questions and aspects of teach-ing at the BA level:

  • How do we ensure equity and inclusion in our classroom, from day 1 of the students’ university experience
  • How do we adapt our teaching methodologies to be effective across a diverse cohort of students?
  • How do we assess students, broadly and how do we assess them considering their individual needs, diverse background and experiences? Which online assessment methodologies are there available?
WEDNESDAY | 10.01.2022

Defining European Teaching Excellence & Best Practices

The third day of training is focusing on the definition of teaching excellence with regards to postgraduate studies.

THURSDAY | 13.01.2022

The Future of Teaching Excellence in a Post-Covid Environment

The fourth day of training is structured around the shared goal of defining teaching excellence and elaborating best practices to set common standards in higher education.

FRIDAY | 14.01.2022

Evaluation of Teaching Excellence

Our fifth and last day of training provides discussions on the evaluation and reward of teaching excellence.


CET (UTC +1)

MONDAY | 10.01.2022

Defining European Teaching Excellence & Best Practices

TUESDAY | 11.01.2022

Teaching Excellence on the Bachelor Level

WEDNESDAY | 12.01.2022

Defining European Teaching Excellence & Best Practices


KEY-NOTE | Professor Hester Bijl

Rector Magnificus, Leiden University



Towards a European Certificate of Teaching Excellence?


Teaching Excellence at the Bachelor Level: What makes a good Teacher?

The panel will discuss features of excellence for teaching at undergraduate level. Panellists will discuss teaching in large lecture contexts, teaching methodologies and assessment issues


Best Practices of Teaching Excellence for Master Teaching Staff


CHAIR | Professor Joachim Koops

Scientific Director and Chair of Security Studies Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

CHAIR | Professor Nina Graeger

Head of Department, Department of Political Science, Management, University of Copenhagen

CHAIR | Professor Maria Raquel Freire

Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra


Dr Hanne Nexø Jensen | Associate Professor of Public Administration Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Dr Tomáš Weiss | Associate Professor EPS Academic and Research Deputy Director, Charles University

Dr Paula Duarte Lopes | Assistant Professor of International Relations
School of Economics, University of Coimbra

Catarina Moleiro | Policy and Communications Officer, Coimbra Group

Silviu Piros | Director of the European Centre for Global Education, Global Governance Institute


Eva Froneberg | Tutor for the Bachelor Programme Security Studies,
Governance and Global Affairs,  Leiden University

Silviu Piros | Director of the European Centre for Global Education, Global Governance Institute

Dr Mary Richardson | Professor of Educational Assessment, UCL Institute of Education London


Dr Cristina Churruca | Lecturer in International Relations, MA Programme Network on Humanitarian Action (NOHA),
Deusto University

Professor Thorsten Bonacker| Deputy Managing Director
Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies
MA Peace and Conflict Studies (MA PACS)
MA Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (MA FUK),
Marburg University







Building diverse and inclusive teaching excellence practices


Short presentation on inclusion and diversity with regards to teaching in higher education by the European University’s Association.

Short presentation of the results of the EU-funded EFFECT project (2016-2019), whose aim was to analyse the feasibility of a European-level structure for teaching enhancement.

Follow-up discussion with the session leader discussing the development of inclusion and citizenship skills for pedagogical staff.


Inclusive Policies: let’s welcome and engage all students, from day one!


Short presentation on the ‘Teacher professional learning for inclusion’ project, by the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education.

Follow-up discussion on teacher edu-cators in higher education, providing the opportunity to reflect on the continuities between inclusion in the pre-University educational period and during the first year of university.


Teaching Excellence at the Master Level: What makes a good Teacher?

The panel will discuss standard features for teaching staff at postgraduate level. Panelists will discuss teaching small groups, teaching methodologies, supervision at master's level and work-based learning.

SESSION LEADER | Luisa Bunescu

Policy Analyst | Governance, Funding and Public Policy Development, European University Association (EUA)


Project manager, European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education

CHAIR | Dr Paula Duarte Lopes

Assistant Professor of International Relations School of Economics, Coimbra University



Professor Jolle Demmers | Professor of Conflict Studies Department of History and Art History, Leiden University

Dr Jasmin Ramovic | Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies Politics, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester


Peer-exchange - Breakout room exercise:participants will be divided into breakout rooms and provided with a few questions to be discussed together.

Plenary discussion & Conclusion

MODERATOR | Clara Cotroneo | PhD Candidate Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University


Best Practices of Teaching Excellence for BA Teaching Staff The session features case studies on curriculum design, innovative learning or teaching methods, including aspects of inclusion and diversity

Break-out sessions are led by expert facilitators

MODERATOR | Professor Joachim Koops | Scientific Director and Chair of Security Studies Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

Breakout Sessions where participants discuss best practices.

MODERATOR| Dr Paula Duarte Lopes | Assistant Professor of International Relations School of Economics, Coimbra University






WORKSHOP 2 | Practice makes Excellence


Group Exercise: What does Teaching Excellence mean for you?

Group Exercise involving students, alumni and teaching staff with the aim to focus the discussion on the diverse perceptions and definitions of teaching excellence in higher education.

WORKSHOP 2 | Practice makes Excellence

The workshop will provide a safe space for practicing some of the core elements of teaching excellence related to the cas-es studies outlined during the first day of the training day.

WORKSHOP 2 | Practice makes Excellence

The workshop will focus on the evolution of teaching programmes, with the aim to ulti-mately achieving excellence.

CHAIR | Professor Joachim Koops | Scientific Director and Chair of Security Studies Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

CHAIR | Professor Joachim Koops | Scientific Director and Chair of Security Studies Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

CHAIR | Dr Daniela Nascimento | Assistant Professor of International Relations,Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra


Practical workshop: enhancing teach-ing excellence in your institution

How do staff developers play a strategic role in institutional efforts to enhance teaching excellence? Playing a part in enhancing teaching excellence is not only about offering as much support possible to teachers who ask for it but also to work behind the scenes in the rest of the organization.

Practitioner-led panel Discussion: How do you influence the organizational definitions, documentation, assessment and acknowledgment of teaching excellence.

Discussion: Practical workshop How can you influence the organizational definitions, documentation, assessment and acknowledgment of teaching excellence?

SPEAKER | Dr Rie Troelsen | Head of Office SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning , University of Southern Denmark

MODERATOR | Clara Cotroneo | PhD Candidate Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

Break-Out Sessions are led by E-NOTE facilitators


Professor Simon Usherwood | Professor of Politics & International Studies, The Open University


Professor Luís Nuno Rodrigues | Department of History, ISCTE Instituto Universitário de Lisboa

Professor George Ulrich| European Inter-University Human Rights Center, Global Campus of Human Rights

Break-Out Sessions are led by E-NOTE facilitators






Lessons Learned: Future Challenges of Teaching Excellence in the Post-Covid Era

Panel discussion on potential future challenges for Teaching Excellence in the era post-Covid and how these might be addressed

BA Teaching Excellence from Student Perspectives

Short presentations by BA students and alumnae/i on teaching excellence seen from their perspectives and experiences in higher education.

MA Teaching Excellence from a Student’s Perspective

Short presentations by MA students and alumnae/i on teaching excellence seen from their perspectives and experiences in higher education.

CHAIR | Silviu Piros | Director of the European Centre for Global Education, Global Governance Institute

CHAIR | Eva Froneberg (TBC) | Tutor for the Bachelor Programme Security Studies Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University

CHAIR | Dr Paula Duarte Lopes Assistant Professor of International Relations School of Economics, University of Coimbra


Dr Alexandra Mihai | Assistant Professor School of Business and Economics Educational Research and Development, Maastricht University

Anna Quici | Policy Officer, Coimbra Group of Universities




Mariana Riquito | MA alumni, Masters on Peace, Security and Development Studies, University of Coimbra, Junior Researcher at CES-UC and PhD student at University of Amsterdam

Gaston Rieder | MA alumni, European Politics and Society Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, Charles University of Prague

Catarina Silva | Recent-MA alumni, Masters on Peace, Security and Development Studies, University of Coimbra

Luis Gouveia Junior | Student, Masters on Peace, Security and Development Studies, University of Coimbra


THURSDAY | 13.01.2022

The Future of Teaching Excellence in a Post-Covid Environment

FRIDAY | 14.01.2022

Evaluation of Teaching Excellence


Panel Discussion: E-Teaching at its best – From Emergency Re-mote Teaching to Excellent Online Education

Panellists will discuss the future of online teaching in European higher education, the possibility to encour-age the Europeanisation of European universities through online teaching and the implementation of European online education scheme(s).

Panel Discussion: How to evaluate and reward Teaching Excellence?

Panellists will discuss how Teaching Excellence is evaluated and rewarded, what are the potentials and challenges for progressing and developing Teaching Excellence, and how this should be structured and approached. The panel features a presentation of results from a survey on evaluation and reward of Teaching Excellence, as well as best practices stemming from the UK education system and the BKO framework.

Breakout Sessions after Q&A

CHAIR | Dr Irena Kalhousová | Assistant Professor Head of Herzl Centre for Israel Studies, Charles University

CHAIR | Professor Ben Rosamond | Professor, Head of Studies, University of Copenhagen


Ms Petra Eggensperger | Abteilung Schlüsselkompetenzen und Hochschuldidaktik,Universität Heidelberg

Dr Isabel Huet | Assistant Professor in Education, Portuguese Open University, and Invited Research Fellow in Education, University of Hertfordshire, UK

Dr Francesca Helm | Assistant Professor of English and translation, Coordinator of online exchange programs and European projects such as ‘Soliya’ and ‘Sharing Perspectives’, University of Padova


Professor Joachim Koops| Scientific Director and Chair of Security Studies Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University

Professor Stephanie Marshall| Vice-Principal (Education), Queen Mary University of London






Panel Discussion: Online, Hybrid – Selected Teaching Excellence in Times of a Pandemic

Panel discussion with selected examples of good practice of online and hybrid teaching during Covid-19 times. The panel is followed by a Q&A session.

Panel Discussion: Creative Approaches to Evaluating Teaching Excellence

Panel discussion on drivers of teaching excellence and colleagues’ evaluation - examining the example of the Danish Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Programme. The purpose is to understand how to make sure resources spent on evaluation facilitate development of Teaching Excellence in practice, how would different approaches to evaluation work and how to implement the results of an evaluation.

CHAIR | Dr Tomáš Weiss | Associate Professor EPS Academic and Research Deputy Director, Charles University

CHAIR | Rikke L von Müllen | Senior Educational Advisor, University of Copenhagen


Dr Irena Kalhousová | Head of Herzl Centre for Israel Studies Assistant Professor, Charles University

Dr Karina Kosiara-Pedersen| Associate Professor Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

Saskia Postema | Tutor for Bachelor Programme Security Studies
Governance and Global Affairs,  Leiden University


Dr Torgny Roxå| Senior Lecturer, Academic Development Unit, University of Lund

Professor Lars Tønder (TBC)| Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen






WORKSHOP | Exchange of experiences in pandemic emergency remote learning and the future of e-learning

Breakout rooms exercise: participants will be divided into breakout rooms and provided with a few questions to be discussed together.

Participants will discuss the following questions:

  • What are the pros and cons of online teaching?
  • Hybrid teaching: yes or no?
  • Is online teaching the future of European higher education?
  • Opportunities and challenges of pan-European online education scheme(s)?

Panel Discussion: Implementing Excellence Training Challenges and potential Solutions

Panel starting from examples of Teaching Excellence Training Programmes, aiming to compare systems and ultimately aiming to discuss further steps to be taken to foster shared standards of Teaching Excellence across Europe.

MODERATOR | Dr Jiří Vykoukal | Deputy Director for Studies, Institute of International Studies, Charles University

CHAIR | Dr Hanne Nexø Jensen | Associate Professor of Public Administration Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen


Dr Antonia Scholkmann| Associate Professor Department of Culture and Learning, University of Aalborg

Dr Rie Troelsen | Head of Division, Centre for Teaching and Learning, Southern University Denmark



Wrap Up Remarks by Professor Joachim Koops (TBC) Scientific Director and Chair of Security Studies Institute of Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University


Panel Discussion: Learning and Wellbeing in a pandemic environment – a student’s perspective

Short panel discussion with students’ presentations focused on the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, students’ wellbeing during online teaching and studying and doing research online.

CHAIR | Zuzana Krulichová | Project Assistant and PhD student Institute of International Studies, Charles University


Freja Schmidt | BA student, University of Copenhagen

Daniel Demeter | Recent MA graduate University of Coimbra

Michael Cole | PhD candidate University of Tartu

Evgenii Puchkov, ESN Brussels

Privacy Notice Participants Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff

When you register as a participant for Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff at ISGA, Leiden University, your data will be used to facilitate your participation. A short and concise description of what data we collect and what we do with your data is set out below.

Who collects data?

The data are collected and processed by Leiden University, PO Box 9500, 2300 RA Leiden, isga@fgga.leidenuniv.nl. The university employs a Data Protection Officer (DPO) who supervises the university’s use of personal data. The DPO can be reached via email privacy@bb.leidenuniv.nl. Urgent questions with respect to privacy can be sent by email.

Why and for what purpose do we collect your data?

During registration and the Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff, some of your personal data are collected, such as your name, and e-email dress. These are personal data, just like your login name. These data are used in different ways, all in in support of your participation to the training, for instance for providing you with access to the digital platform where Teaching Excellence Training for Academic Staff is held.

How and how long will the data used and stored?

The personal data that are necessary to make your participation to the training possible are used during your period as a training participant. The university stores these data in its systems. Clear agreements are made with suppliers of services and those who store your information, which are established in a processor agreement. If your account is deleted, the university saves your personal data for no longer than one year. After this period, data for which no relevant reason for registration are deleted.

What are the legal rules?

In order to use your data, the university needs a valid legal basis. For all services necessary to participate and provide you with access to the training, the “performance of a contract ” and “legitimate interest” grounds apply.

What if you want access to your personal data?

If you want access to your personal data, you can submit a request to the Data Protection Officer by email privacy@bb.leidenuniv.nl. The Officer will then ask you to identify yourself in person, after which we can send you the information within the specified period. You can also exercise the right to delete, correct and/or transfer your personal data by the same means.

Questions about or objections to the processing of your personal data?

If you have any questions or complaints about how the university processes your personal data and the matter cannot be resolved with the University of the Data Protection Officer, you can lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority(“Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens”); their website is autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl. You can also reach the Authority by phone: 0900- 2001201.